About Me

Hello there reader, My name is Dylan Winstanley, I am a teenager who lives in Canada and decided to pick up blogging as a little bit of a hobby. I have recently missed a lot of school due to an unavoidable illness. So naturally I have a lot of time on my hands. I work very hard to advertise this blog to bring in the little amount each day but I'm sure I'll get more soon. I first hacked my psp sometime around February I think in 2010. It took me a long time to get the tools for hacking it but finally after lots of research I came across a site called gaming lagoon which offered free Pandora batteries among other things (Link to it here:http://www.gaminglagoon.com/?ref=421248).

So a few weeks later and I had racked up enough points and more to earn a free Pandora battery. I ordered it and wasn't sure if I was going to be scammed or not so I just said what the heck and forgot about it. 2 weeks later and lone behold I receive a package, a fully working genuine Pandora battery! Now after that I of course set up all the files asap, I found a pack online so I used that.So I ran everything correctly but funnily enough I semi-bricked it due to failing to plug in a power adapter (most important rule of all!) But I unbricked it a minute later with  the Pandora battery as I knew exactly what to do. Then after that I plugged in ac charger and downgraded it a second time and just left it on my bed. Came back in 10 minutes and boom baby hacked psp(lol). So then a little while later I made a tutorial for other people on how to hack there psp's cause I felt like being a nice guy and helping others out (Video link here http://tehpsphaxorz.blogspot.com/2010/05/how-to-easily-downgrade-from-620-ofw-to.html).

Of course there are other benefits too, for instance I put in my referral link to gaming lagoon and already I have more than 400 referrals thanks to it! I've also used the video to advertise my other site and get referrals for even more sites! So in 4 and a half months I have made over 20$ from referrals and have over 100 referrals signed up (and they're still coming), that's not too bad?

 Well guess that concludes my experience with hacking along with my brief about me. Hope you found it interesting,

P.S. If you wanna earn a free pandora remember to sign up here: http://www.gaminglagoon.com/?ref=421248 
It'll Earn me some cash too.